So last night I went to Hicklebee's Bookstore to meet Suzanne Collins and have her sign my copy of The Hunger Games. Well, she stamped it. She had a wrist guard on her right hand so she couldn't do any signing. She used a stamp that will be discontinued after this book tour. It's kinda cool--has a mockingjay next to her signature. Anyway, there were probably about 200 people crammed inside the bookshop. It was great though. I really didn't have to wait long. I wanted to say something cool and perhaps intelligent in the 3.5 seconds I had to interact with her, but the only thing that came out was, "How are you? Thanks for coming." What I really wanted to say was, "You're pretty much awesome and I wanna be you when I grow up!" I was really hoping for a little Q&A session, but no such luck. She read from both Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Loved every minute of it.
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